Students from Muni University in Arua introduced to design-thinking and social entrepreneurship

On the occasion of the International Day of Innovation and Creation, an ideathon was organised at Muni University in Arua. During this day, students were introduced to the methodology of design-thinking, social entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


On Saturday 23 April 2022, the French Embassy in Uganda visited Muni University in Arua, as part of an ideathon organised for its students. StartHub Africa accompanied the participants during the day to introduce them to social entrepreneurship and design-thinking. Many of them were also able to discover and better understand what the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are.


During the day, in small groups, the students were invited to propose a solution in the form of a social enterprise, responding to SDGs 2 and 3: "Zero Hunger" and "Good Health and Well-being". An expert from the NGO Action Contre la Faim in Uganda was also present to answer the students’ questions on the subject of food security. The students met with different stakeholders and conducted surveys and interviews in the field.


At the end of the day, the groups presented their solutions in front of the French Embassy, StartHub Africa and the other students, giving rise to a time of exchange and questions/answers. Each student received a certificate attesting to their participation and their initiation to the methodology of social enterprise creation.


Dernière modification : 26/04/2022

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